The Magic of Believing - Suggestion is Power

The Magic of Believing - Suggestion is Power

"Thought attracts that which it is directed" explains Claude Bristol in The Magic of Believing. Bristol goes on to give valuable life-changing advice for anyone who desires more in their life.

Bristol's masterpiece, written in 1948, opens with his description of how he was able to tap into the power of belief.

His path, at first rambled through a succession of failures and mediocrity. Filled with countless personal anecdotes and real life stories, he shares his own journey of how he was able to transform his own life.

The Magic of Believing is full of examples in all fields where supreme concentration and self-belief not only overcame obstacles but created perfection. He describes both professional and amateur athletes whose belief in self produced incredible accomplishments. He uses illustrations of all manner of ordinary people who were able to accomplish the extraordinary.

The underlying source of all achievement, according to Bristol, is belief. Belief alone, however, is not the answer. You must also enlist the power of the subconscious. This can be done through the repetition of words or phrases which will allow the subconscious to set events into motion for you.

Bristol gives a number of practical techniques which can be used immediately, to produce results. One method is called the "mirror technique". He instructs you to stand in front of a mirror, for 5 to 10 minutes, and tell yourself what you want to accomplish. This should be done at least twice a day. He reveals how this simple exercise will cause your desires to seep into your subconscious and soon become a reality.

"Positive creative thought" he concludes "leads to action and ultimate realization. Remember always whatever man can conceive mentally he can bring into materialization."

Use The Magic of Believing as a tool, to bring your thoughts, wishes and desires into your life. Read it. Re-read it. Then, believe it. The Magic of Believing is in you.

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Discover more about The Power of Belief at: What You Think Becomes Realitiy

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